New words - examples
cyber hygiene n [U]
the practice of ensuring that your use of the internet is secure and well-ordered
cyberloafing n [U]
the activity of wasting time looking on the internet, usually when you should be working
brass ceiling noun, singular
the difficulty that women face in rising to high positions in the military
3D printing n [U]
a form of three dimensional printing, where objects are built up in layers
deskfasting n [U]
the practice of eating breakfast at one's work desk
fat-o-sphere noun, singular
the world of fat people
hate-watch v [T]
to take pleasure in watching a TV programme that is of poor quality
the work-life merge noun, singular
the now blurred distinction between work and free time
the practice of ensuring that your use of the internet is secure and well-ordered
cyberloafing n [U]
the activity of wasting time looking on the internet, usually when you should be working
brass ceiling noun, singular
the difficulty that women face in rising to high positions in the military
3D printing n [U]
a form of three dimensional printing, where objects are built up in layers
deskfasting n [U]
the practice of eating breakfast at one's work desk
fat-o-sphere noun, singular
the world of fat people
hate-watch v [T]
to take pleasure in watching a TV programme that is of poor quality
the work-life merge noun, singular
the now blurred distinction between work and free time